So Much for Celibacy: A Satanic Lair of Fudge Packing Priests Slithers Out in Germany

LGBT Catholic officials stage mass coming-out in Germany More than 100 Catholic church officials in Germany came out as LGBT, queer or non-binary on Monday, adding to calls for reform within the crisis-hit church. Demands for a more liberal attitude to homosexuality within the German church have coincided with uproar over reports of widespread child … Click Here to Read more

Fascist Priest Calls Gestapo on a Mother Praying in Empty Church Without a Mask

This is the same thing the Catholic Hierarchy did in HITLERS Germany!! Adolf Hitlers Pope Just as these Catholic Traitors did in Germany, they are doing here in America helping to set up a Democrat Dictatorship! Priest calls police on mother of 11 praying in empty church without a mask The pastor of a Catholic … Click Here to Read more