Vatican is in Panic Mode: Pope Floundering After Taking Vaccine

Demonic Catholic News Headlines  Danger Will Robinson, Danger! NEVER take any Spiritual instruction, or any Biblical advice of any kind, from a Catholic be they Clergy or a lay person!  They are Biblically Ignorant in all matters! Vatican in Panic: Pope’s Sciatica Worse after Taking Vaccine Pope Francis and former Pope Benedict have received the … Click Here to Read more

Catholic Priest Removed from Pulpit for Sex, Drugs and Weapons Allegations

Selma priest removed from church over photos and accusations of sex, drugs, and weapons FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) — A Catholic priest with a past got removed from his church in Selma this weekend over a story of sex, drugs, and weapons. “You don’t expect a priest to be packed, to have those type of weapons,” … Click Here to Read more

Pope Goes All in for Homosexual and Lesbian Marriage

Pope endorses same-sex civil unions in new documentary Breitbart News – ROME (AP) — Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope while being interviewed for the feature-length documentary “Francesco,” which had its premiere at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday. The papal thumbs up came midway through the film that … Click Here to Read more

Joe Biden: A ‘Good and Faithful Catholic’? Yes He Is!

Religion, especially Catholicism, is a Crutch for the Spiritually and Mentally Lame! Bishop: I Don’t See How Joe Biden Claims to Be a ‘Good and Faithful Catholic’ Well Mr. Bishop, I don’t see how Pedophile Priests, or those who know about it, can claim to be a ‘Good and Faithful Catholic’! I don’t see how … Click Here to Read more

A Queer Christ as the Cornerstone of the New Roman Catholic Church

LGBTQ Catholic Ministries Gathering Presents A ‘Queer Christ’ As The Cornerstone For Their Vision Of The New Roman Catholic Church Geoffrey Grider | Now The End Begins – The church started by the Roman emperors back in the early days of the fourth century is about to add a new jewel to their crown, or … Click Here to Read more

Fudge Packing Bishop Protects Pedophile Priests

Catholic Archbishop: I’d Rather Go To Jail Than Report a Pedophile Priest Who Confesses His Crimes Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – The Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne Peter Comensoli has said he would rather go to jail than report a pedophile priest who admits his child sex crimes in a confession. But Archbishop Comensoli is … Click Here to Read more

Top Catholic Official Says God Sees Homosexuals and Lesbians as Part of the Ecclesial Community

Uh, no pervert, he does NOT. Maybe in his False Man-Made Pagan Religion he, Lucifer does. But in the True church, and according to the Word of God, Homosexuals and other Ilk are like tares in the midst of the wheat and will be burned up when the harvest comes! Matthew 13:24 ” Another parable … Click Here to Read more

Catholic International Agency is Promoting Fornication and Sexual Perversion

US bishops’ international aid agency caught indoctrinating children to ‘always’ use condoms (Lifesite News) A sixth investigative report on Catholic Relief Services projects, published by the Lepanto Institute, shows that CRS both implemented and promoted comprehensive sexual education curriculums that include pornographic images and the promotion of contraception. The first curriculum profiled by the Lepanto … Click Here to Read more

Cardinal gives Church Money to Tranny’s

Should the rules in baseball apply to religious scum? I think so. Read this and then what the 3 strikes are afterwards.   National File – A cardinal has donated funds to transgender sex workers outside Rome who have been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. According to The Hill, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, also known … Click Here to Read more

Did you know the False Prophet has a Boyfriend?

Fudge Packing Pope moves his lover closer for secret rendezvous! Pope Francis’s Boyfriend is Nominated his Personal Secretary Leo Zagami – Pope Francis and the 40-year-old Uruguayan priest, Gonzalo Aemilius, have known each other since 2006, when Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, made contact with him after he noticed the priest during … Click Here to Read more

Vatican’s New Book of Heresy: The Sin of Sodom was a ‘Lack of Hospitality’ and Not Homosexuality

What this false religion (headed up by Homosexual Pedophiles) is trying to accomplish is simple. They are trying to normalize the Sin, Iniquity and Abomination of Sexual Perversion that God’s Word specifically CONDEMNS! Pontifical Biblical Commission In The Vatican Publishes New Book Saying That The Sin Of Sodom Was A ‘Lack Of Hospitality’ And Not … Click Here to Read more

Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

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