ROMEAGEDDONISM: The Joining of Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Buddhism and Hinduism

The Pagan Trinity of Sorts in Rome Italy is OFFICIALLY Complete!

(Note: Steve Quayle coined the term “ROMEAGEDDONISM” this morning in an email to me)

The Vatican, The Mosque of Rome, and now there is a Mormon Temple!!

These Three have officially met and seem to be melding like peas growing in a pod! That is why I call it a Pagan Trinity. If the false prophet meets and makes a deal with the other major religions, then this will needed to be revised.

Rome will probably be the headquarters of the One World Religion until the Anti-Christ goes to Jerusalem and declares himself to be god!!

While researching I also found this:

There is also a Buddhist Temple in Rome, the largest in Europe, and a Hindu Temple as well! I am sure there is a major Wiccan Coven, as all these religions are based on Paganism and Witchcraft!

So that is ALL the major religions with representation in Rome Italy! How many more leaders of False Religions has the False Prophet met with behind closed doors and in secret? He met with all of the devils of the major mega-churches from America some time back! Also see:  Together 2016: Luciferian One World Religion Gathering

In MY OPINION, the Seat of Satan has moved from Pergamos, and is now in Rome!!

Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, the Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places are now united to declare the One World Religion and to usher in the Anti-Christ!!

Luke 21:28 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” 

Thomas D. Williams | Breitbart News – Pope Francis met with the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Vatican Saturday, the first meeting ever between the heads of the Catholic and Mormon churches.

The occasion for the meeting was the dedication of a massive new Mormon temple in Rome, the first in the Eternal City, which will take place on Sunday.

On Saturday morning, Pope Francis granted an audience to the president of the Latter-Day Saints, Russell Nelson, along with the 14 elders who make up the church’s top leadership, comprising the First Counselor, Second Counselor, and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

The newly finished 156-foot high edifice — officially called “Temple of Rome” —  was opened to the public for just over two weeks, with guided tours offered from January 28 through February 16. Once the temple is formally dedicated Sunday, entry will be “reserved for faithful members of the Church,” the group’s website states.

The Mormon Church boasts some 5,000 members in Rome, with a total of 23,000 throughout the Italian peninsula. The Temple of Rome, under construction for nearly ten years, is the first temple of the Latter-Day Saints to be built in Italy, which may well explain the presence of the entire Mormon leadership for its inauguration Sunday — the first time the entire leadership of the church has ever gathered outside the United States.

The Temple of Rome is the 162nd operating temple of the LDS church worldwide and the 12th in Europe. The three-story edifice, encompassing almost 4,000 square meters, is part of a religious and cultural center spread over 15 acres, which includes a multi-purpose building, a visitor center, a family history library, and a guest house.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was officially established in 1830 by Joseph Smith. (Note links about the Mormons, Smith and images are mine, NOT the author of this article)

According to David A. Bednar, who presides over the Church’s Temple and Family History Department, the Mormons “have more than sixteen million members, and the Church is recognized and is present in over 170 nations.”

Three Prominent False Temples to Pagan gods now in the Seat of Satan, Rome!

Vatican in Rome
Mormon Temple  in Rome
Mosque of Rome

So now we have a complete Pagan Trinity that has united as part of the One World Religion with the Pope leading the way.

Recently the false prophet met with the grand imam of al-Azhar in the United Arab Emirates.

The foundation for a New Religion – Catholislam!

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis says his pilgrimage this week to the United Arab Emirates wrote a “new page in history of the dialogue between Christianity and Islam” and in promoting world peace based on brotherhood. Source

The Melding of Catholicism and Islam: Official Catholislam Logo makes its Debut!

Vatican Officially Releases Catholislam Logo For Pope Francis Upcoming ‘Servant Of Hope’ Tour To The Muslim Nation OF Morocco

NTEB – The official logo of the Pope’s visit was chosen from about 50 entries in a competition. An explanatory note accompanying the logo’s release says that a cross and a crescent in the logo are symbols of Christianity and Islam which highlight the interreligious relations between Christians and Muslims. In fact, during the 2-day trip, Pope Francis will meet the leader of Moroccan Muslims, 800 years after the meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan Al-Malik al-Kāmil of Egypt.  Source

Pope Francis Held Unprecedented Closed-Door End Times Meeting With Head Of The Mormon Church, Prophet President Russell M. Nelson

NTEBA visit between a pope and the man considered a prophet by millions of Latter-day Saints would have been unimaginable to leaders and members in both churches 50 years ago. Clandestine olive branches and decades of détente were necessary, according to sources from both faiths interviewed for this story. That is exactly what has happened. In fact, today’s meeting is a culmination of a web of deepening and expanding alliances between the Latter-day Saints and the Roman Catholic Church and its many sister organizations.

During his reign as both king of Vatican City and as the pope of the Catholic Church, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been widening his tent and making preparations for the coming One World Religion of Antichrist. From seducing gullible pawns like Rick Warren who gushingly calls him ‘our pope’,  all the way up to signing a ‘Universal Peace Document‘ with a high-ranking leader of Islam, Pope Francis is a man on an end times mission.

“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:3,4 (KJV)

Now a secret, closed-door meeting with the head ‘prophet’ of the Mormon Church, Russell Nelson, reveals the expansion of another end times partnership as the Vatican adds more pieces to their end times chessboard. The Roman harlot is on the move and trading in the souls in men.

Pope Francis meets with Mormon President Nelson in the Vatican

FROM THE DESERET NEWS: “The differences in doctrine are real and they’re important,” President Nelson said afterward as he stood just outside St. Peter’s Square, “but they’re not nearly as important as the things we have in common — our concern for human suffering, the importance of religious liberty for all of society, and the importance of building bridges of friendship instead of building walls of segregation.”

The two world religious leaders shared a belief that faith in God brings morality and stability to society. “If we have a godless society, we have a rudderless ship,” President Nelson said.

The pope extended the invitation for a private audience to the Latter-day Saint leader in conjunction with President Nelson’s trip this weekend to Italy, where he will dedicate the history-making new Rome Italy Temple.

The two men met for 30-35 minutes and also discussed their mutual concern for the youth in their churches, their concern about secularization and the desire for people to worship God, President Nelson said.

President M. Russell Ballard, president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, joined President Nelson in the meeting, along with Elder Massimo De Feo, a General Authority Seventy, and Elder Alessandro Dini Ciacci, an Area Seventy. President Nelson’s executive secretary, Mark Woodruff, also attended.

The pope presented President Nelson with two gifts, his declarations on the family and on the Islamic faith. President Nelson gave the pope a Lladro figurine of the Christus statue and a copy of “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”

After the meeting, the Latter-day Saint leaders smiled as they walked arm in arm down Via della Conciliazione — the Road of the Conciliation — to address a large media contingent with the iconic St. Peter’s Basilica in the background.

The most senior Latter-day Saint leader to meet with a pope before today was President Henry B. Eyring, who was greeted by Pope Francis in November 2014 when both spoke at an international marriage summit at the Vatican. President Eyring then was the first counselor in the First Presidency.

A visit between a pope and the man considered a prophet by millions of Latter-day Saints would have been unimaginable to leaders and members in both churches 50 years ago. Clandestine olive branches and decades of détente were necessary, according to sources from both faiths interviewed for this story. That is exactly what has happened. In fact, today’s meeting is a culmination of a web of deepening and expanding alliances between the Latter-day Saints and the Roman Catholic Church and its many sister organizations.

That growing relationship has intensified during the past decade, resulting in collaborations that now have the two churches working side-by-side all over the world on projects vast and tiny.

The Deseret News conducted more than 20 interviews with people from both faiths around the world, from Bosnia to Rome and from Salt Lake City to Norway, to provide a definitive look at how the churches’ combined efforts are not only helping to resolve differences between their own members but delivering emergency humanitarian aid to some of the world’s most vulnerable people — including many at the U.S.-Mexico border — as well as working to defend religious liberty and to bolster families.

“We explained to His Holiness that we work side by side, that we have projects with Catholic Relief Services all over the world, in over 43 countries,” President Ballard said. “We’ve been shoulder-to-shoulder as partners, and try to relieve suffering, trying to help people that are struggling. He was very interested in that and was very cordial , very kind to us.”

Rome and Salt Lake City

On Thursday, Catholics and Latter-day Saints indeed worked side-by-side to help the homeless and refugees in their respective headquarters, Rome and Salt Lake City.

That appeared impossible in the 1950s when, fearing their own congregations would be scandalized if church members knew they were meeting, the leader of the Latter-day Saints came to Salt Lake City’s Holy Cross Hospital for conversations with the head of the Salt Lake City Catholic diocese.

Posted with permission from NTEB

For years, the truth has been unraveling.  The Catholic Church has always been rooted in Pagan Worship.  Take a look at  the following:



The Pantheon is actually a Christian church—and has been for centuries

Sanctae Mariae Rotundae
Sanctae Mariae Rotundae

Walk into the Pantheon today, and all of the information signs say “Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres,” or “Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs.” Huh? Isn’t this a pagan temple? Well, it was once. (More on that in a moment!). But in 609 A.D., it was turned into a church.

It’s still a church today, and, yes, you can go to Mass here on Sundays!

The Pantheon is the best-preserved ancient Roman building in Rome

A nativity scene in the Pantheon—er, in the Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs!

Largely because the Pantheon was turned into a church, it was kept remarkably well-preserved. In fact, you can still experience the building much as the ancient Romans would have. Sure, some things have changed (there’s a Christian altar here now, for example, and frescoes of saints), but the dimensions of the building, along with much of its decoration, has remained the same.

…strange inscription above the porch, “M·AGRIPPA·L·F·COS·TERTIVM·FECIT,” which stands for, in English, “Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, consul for the third time, built this.” Agrippa was around in the 1st century B.C…. so how is that possible? It’s possible because Agrippa didn’t build the third version—he built the first. The inscription was added as a nice little nod to him, as the original founder.

Bernini Statues atop the colonnade at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican … were originally meant to be mythological (not religious) sculptures – HeritageDaily 

Free Images : architecture, building, palace, old ...

Was the Vatican Originally a Temple to Lord Shiva?

Was the Christian Vatican Originally a Temple to Lord Shiva?

NO!  Jesus is not Krishna!  The Roman Catholic Church is and always has been ROMAN.  The Vatican worships Pagan Gods!   It is very interesting the similarity between these two locations.

If you want to really have your eyes opened.  If you are like me, you will find it shocking and revealing.  Definitely explains a lot of things.  Visit the following site.



Here are some excerpts:

The Holy See

The word itself varies in its interpretations. Most believe it is derived from the Latin vates, meaning seer or soothsayer. In turn the word ‘Vaticanus’ was from the Etruscan language, meaning serpent or dragon. An even older word vatica is Hindi for a cultural or religious center. It is often used for Hindu monasteries. The Hindi suffix tika is the name of the red circle or dot that Hindu women place in the center of their forehead. It indicates a “third eye” or an ability to see beyond the three dimensions. How the word was brought from India to pre-Roman Italy is unknown. Vatis can also mean snake in the Etruscan language, and it was claimed by Pliny the Roman historian that snakes grew so large in the Vatican area that one ate a child. The serpent/dragon was given an unusual power of sight as well.

In Sun Cults versus Thunder Cults the author declares the Vatican was a sacred grove of the seer-serpent long before Roman peoples moved to the area. Pliny’s version may have been a misunderstanding of both the word and the pagan practices that would take place underground. The historian Varro claimed the word ‘Vatican’ was from a Roman deity Vagitanus who endowed children with the power of speech. In any case the word has something to do with prophecy and special sight. Today the Vatican is also referred to as the Holy See.

Centuries before the birth of Jesus the worship of Cybele had as a central theme of the son and mother. Unlike Christianity the mother was the dominant one and Cybele’s son was also her lover. And again unlike Christianity, the orgiastic rites of the goddess included self-flagellation and even self-castration. They also involved initiations where those admitted to the secret worship would be drenched in blood. A highlight of worship was the Taurobolium, baptism in the blood of a sacred bull.

The priests were not Romans but were from Asia Minor where the Cybele stone originated. Romans despised the effeminate behavior of the long-haired, strangely costumed priests parading in their streets, although their own religion had much in common.

The worship of Roman men, particularly in the military, had their own son-lover pair of Mithra and Atagartis. The rites shared the bloody initiation, but the male Mithra was a warrior god who slew a bull at birth. Like the worship of Cybele, a highlight of worship also included the Taurobolium, baptism in the blood of a sacred bull. Such Roman sites still exist, generally beneath churches.

While Christianity revered the concept of Mother and Son, the practices of the newer religion were very different.

The practices of the mother-goddess religion were soon forced underground—literally underground, as they would conduct their ecstatic ceremonies in the catacombs under the Vatican. The layers of catacombs that supported the structure above were used to conduct human sacrifice rituals and initiations. It wasn’t until Domitian AD 81–96 made human sacrifice a capital crime, that these tunnels were closed. Secret tunnels, however, allowed the forbidden ceremonies of Cybele, including child sacrifice, to continue. In the second century the tunnels were closed and Roman families that still engaged in such practices were banished to Libya.

One family that was forced to abandon Rome for Libya was that of Gaius Fulvius Victor. His father fled Rome when the Gnostic Antonius Pius sought to execute any nobles belonging to the Cybele sect. Through political in-fighting Victor somehow became Pope and while he is guilty of numerous crimes, including murder, his worst offense was in re-instituting child sacrifice to the Vatican. It had been practiced on certain occasions, but Victor wanted a sacrifice at every Mass.

The temple of Cybele stood on the Vatican until the Christians took over in the fourth century. Then the site evolved into the Basilica of St. Peter, which stands today. While the Catholic place would impose its own brand of mother and son images, the Vatican’s massive collection of pre-Christian goddesses populates the city. Statues and images of Artemis, Fortuna, Venus, Diana, and the Egyptian Sekmet are present, as is a huge obelisk.

The obelisk in the center of the Vatican represents the center point of the Axis Mundi of the Catholic faith. It is surrounded by 16 windrose markers, a directional system created by the Etruscan people long before Rome. Author Cort Lindahl in Axis Mundi points out that the markers refer to key places in the Christian faith, including: the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, to Axum in Ethiopia (which Graham Hancock believes holds the Ark of the Covenant) and to the Schloss Schonbrunn Palace of the Habsburgs.

Worship of the goddess Cybele survived long after Rome. In The Cult of the Black Virgin, author Ian Begg says the Frankish Merovinginians worshiped her as Diana, and there were huge idols and monuments to her in France. He connects the modern survival of her to Mary Magdalene. Lyons in France was a center of her worship, and she survived in Paris (as Isis) until St. Genevieve took over her role.

Cynthia Pawl added to this article

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!