Pope Francis on Global Warming: ‘Time is Running Out!’
Citing a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Pope Francis said in a speech today “that only one decade or so remains in order to achieve this confinement of global warming.”
“Dear friends, time is running out!” he said.
“The climate crisis requires ‘our decisive action, here and now’ and the Church is fully committed to playing her part,” the pope said.
“A significant development in this past year was the release of the ‘Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels,’ by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” the pope said. “That report clearly warns that effects on the climate will be catastrophic if we cross the threshold of 1.5ºC outlined in the Paris Agreement goal. The report warns, moreover, that only one decade or so remains in order to achieve this confinement of global warming.”
He was addressing attendees at a Vatican meeting called “The Energy Transition & Care of Our Common Home.”
The pope said this meeting focused on three points.
“Your meeting has focused on three interrelated points: first, a just transition; second, carbon pricing; and third, transparency in reporting climate risk,” the pope said.
By “carbon pricing” the pope explained that people must pay more now for energy.
“Second, carbon pricing is essential if humanity is to use the resources of creation wisely,” the pope said. “The failure to deal with carbon emissions has incurred a vast debt that will now have to be repaid with interest by those coming after us. Our use of the world’s natural resources can only be considered ethical when the economic and social costs of using them are transparently recognized and are fully borne by those who incur them, rather than by other people or future generations.” See more here
Vatican Whistleblower Claims Rector of Washington, D.C. Basilica Is a Member of the ‘Gay Mafia’
Vatican whistleblower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò claimed over the weekend that while he was the papal nuncio to the United States, he saw “documentation” alleging that the rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., sexually molested male students at the Catholic University of America.
“Monsignor [Walter] Rossi is, without a doubt, a member of the ‘gay mafia,'” Viganò told Italian journalist Marco Tosatti on Saturday, bolstering George Neumayr’s hair-raising reportage on the “Gay Mafioso” in the American Spectator. The former nuncio said the fact that Rossi’s name was once proposed for a promotion to bishop “shows how the ‘gay mafia’ operates. “
Viganò went into hiding last August, in fear for his life, after accusing Pope Francis of covering up sexual misconduct in an eleven-page bombshell letter. Almost a year later, much of his powerful testimony has been vindicated.
The archbishop came out of hiding last week to give interviews to the Washington Post, Tosatti, and LifeSite News.
In a series of emails with the Post, he accused Pope Francis of lying in denying knowledge of the sexual abuse allegations against now-defrocked cardinal Theodore McCarrick and said Francis, as well as his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, must come clean about what they knew about the alleged abuse.
Viganò said it was “immensely sad” that Francis was “blatantly lying to the whole world to cover up his wicked deeds.” He also reiterated his claim that a “corrupt gay mafia” is running the Church. Read more here
NJ Bishop Reassigns Gay Priest Caught in Risqué Photos Scandal
Reassigned? The pervert should be ousted!
PATERSON, New Jersey (ChurchMilitant.com) – A McCarrick-ordained New Jersey bishop has moved a homosexual priest caught in a risqué photos scandal to a new parish.
On June 13, Bp. Arthur Serratelli of the diocese of Paterson, New Jersey reassigned Fr. Marcin Bradtke to St. Virgil in Morris Plains. He had previously been assigned to Our Lady of the Lake in Sparta. An unpublicized change, however, has Bradtke instead moving to St. Pius X in Montville, a parish with many youth ministry programs (predominantly for grades 9–12). Those programs include monthly meetings, feeding the hungry, caring for those with AIDS and HIV, and retreats with overnight sleep-aways.
In January, Church Militant reported on Bradtke’s homosexual relationship with Fr. Dulibber Gonzalez, publishing selfies of the two cuddling and kissing in the rectory at Our Lady of the Lake parish.
Selfies of Fr. Martin Bradtke and Fr. Dulibber Gonzalez in the rectory of
Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Sparta
After Church Militant’s report, Serratelli appeared at Bradtke’s parish posing in public photos with the priest, appearing in a show of moral support. Parishioners who have spoken with Church Militant have expressed frustration with Serratelli’s inaction against the priests, with one active parishioner quitting and leaving in disgust.
Gonzalez continues as a parochial vicar at St. Therese Parish in Succasunna. The parish has a school (Pre-K and K-8), a Religious Education program for children and a vacation Bible school. Read more here
Pope Francis: “We are called on to consider Muslims as partners to construct peaceful coexistence with”
“We are called on to dialogue with Muslims to build the future of our societies and our cities,” said the Pope.
Yet this dialogue has been going on for years, and has not saved a single Christian from persecution by Muslims, or prevented a single church from being destroyed by Muslims. In fact, it has had no effect at all, except to make its Christian participants feel good about themselves, and to prevent them from discussing the Muslim persecution of Christians at all.
Yet the Pope still touts it as the solution to all our problem, and the Catholic Church vilifies, demonizes, and ostracizes anyone who objects to this willful ignorance.
“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14) Read more here
Priest Arrested After Performing Funeral of His Alleged Murder Victim
TLALPAN, Mexico (ChurchMilitant.com) – Less than a week after conducting a young man’s funeral mass for his murder, the priest holding the service was arrested as a murder suspect.
Francisco Javier Bautista Avalos, the parish priest at Cristo Salvador Church in Tlalpan, was arrested June 19 for the murder of 29-year-old Hugo Leonardo Avendano Chavez, a deacon at the church. Avendano’s strangled body with signs of additional torture was found in his pickup truck near the vicinity of Cristo Salvador, and Avalos was the last person known to be with him. Read more here
French priest defrocked for abusing Scouts in landmark case
PARIS (AP) — France’s Catholic Church pronounced a priest guilty of sexually abusing multiple Boy Scouts over several years and defrocked him Thursday, an unusually strong move that reflects France’s growing reckoning with clergy sex abuse.
The ruling by a church tribunal was the latest development in a case with repercussions that reached the highest levels of French Catholic leadership and the Vatican itself. The priest, Bernard Preynat, already confessed to abusing Boy Scouts during the 1970s and 1980s.
Preynat is believed to have abused as many as 85 boys and faces trial in a French court next year. The church tribunal said its internal investigation found he committed “criminal acts of sexual character against minors under 16.”
The tribunal gave the maximum punishment allowed under church rules, stripping the priest of his clerical status. Citing repeated abuse and the large number of victims, it said Preynat abused his church-conferred authority as a Scout leader.
He has a month to appeal the decision. Read more here
Vatican Cemetery to Be Searched for Remains of Missing Girl
VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) – Two tombs in the Vatican will be opened next week in the hopes of finding the remains of a girl missing for decades.
Emanuela Orlandi was 15 years old when she went missing in central Rome in the summer of 1983. Her father, Ercole Orlandi, was a lay official at the Vatican. She remains missing to this day.
In March, a lawyer for the family received an anonymous letter indicating that Emanuela’s remains can be found at the Teutonic Cemetery — a small graveyard on the grounds of Vatican City, so named because German and Austrian priests and religious have been buried there for centuries.
“Last summer, I received an envelope,” the lawyer, Laura Sgrò, told NBC News. “I opened it and there was a picture of the statue of an angel in the Teutonic Cemetery inside the Vatican. And a letter that simply said, ‘If you want to find Emanuela, search where the angel looks.'”
The Vatican announced on Tuesday that two tombs in the Teutonic Cemetery will be opened, in response to the anonymous tip. Members of the Orlandi family will be present for the opening, as will relatives of the people who were known to have been buried in those spots.
Remains found in the two tombs will be subject to DNA testing, as well as tests determining their age. Read more here
KY Bishop John Stowe Aggressively Pushes LGBT Agenda
LEXINGTON, Ky. (ChurchMilitant.com) – Bishop John Stowe used Pride Month to proclaim his support for the LGBT community in the diocese of Lexington, Kentucky.
Stowe offered his support on Twitter as LGBT events commenced: “With Lexington Pride underway, I am grateful for the presence of people of faith reaching out to those who have been turned away or felt rejected by the Church. Our arms are open to all who seek the Lord with good will!”
The bishop also issued a prayer card in celebration of Pride Month that includes a San Damiano cross with a rainbow glowing over it and a prayer written by the bishop. It was distributed throughout the Lexington diocese by the Catholic LGBTQ Ministry and Fortunate Families in Lexington.
Celebrity priest Fr. James Martin promoted the card on social media, noting that the Stowe “marks #PrideMonth in his Diocese.” Read more here
US bishop promotes ‘celebration of Pride’ with prayer card, rainbow crucifix
June 28, 2019, (LifeSiteNews) – A U.S. bishop has issued a “prayer” card that celebrates homosexual “pride” and includes an image of a crucifix with rainbow colors coming from it. The card, to be distributed this weekend at pro-homosexual events, was released via social media on Friday, the feast day on which Catholics celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Pro-homosexual Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, issued the card to commemorate the “celebration of Pride.” The prayer card features a San Damiano Cross on the front, and on the back is a brief letter issued to those who celebrate “Pride.”
“Dear sisters and Brothers, I greet you warmly and offer you my prayers on your behalf during this celebration of Pride,” wrote Stowe on the back of the card, which includes a rainbow flag with the words “You are God’s beloved” imposed on top of the flag
The remainder of the card suggests that God creates people to be homosexual and transgendered, etc., and that God looks at such “works” as “wonderful.” Read more here
Pope Francis to Celebrate ‘Mass for Migrants’ in Vatican
ROME — Pope Francis will celebrate a “Mass for Migrants” on Monday July 8 to commemorate the sixth anniversary of his visit to Lampedusa in 2013.
“In memory of the 6th anniversary of his visit to Lampedusa, on Monday, 8 July, the Holy Father Pope Francis, will celebrate a Mass for Migrants, at 11:00, in St Peter’s Basilica,” a Vatican communiqué said Monday.
The announcement of the pope’s Mass comes just days after a major stand-off between the Italian populist government and the German NGO Sea-Watch, which illegally docked at Lampedusa to disembark the 42 African migrants it was carrying. The NGO vessel was subsequently impounded, and the ship’s captain, Carola Rackete, arrested.
The Vatican said that around 250 people will participate in the papal celebration next week, “among whom will be migrants, refugees and those who are dedicated to saving their lives.”
The Vatican also underscored that the Mass will be private and is not open to journalists or others who have not been invited.
“Taking part in the Mass, presided over by the Pope at the Altar of the Chair of St Peter, will be only those persons invited by the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, to whom the Holy Father has entrusted the organization of the event,” the communiqué stated.
“While Vatican Media will provide a live broadcast of the Mass, the presence of the press in the Basilica is not anticipated,” the text added.
“The Holy Father desires that the moment be as recollected as possible in the remembrance of how many have lost their lives fleeing war and misery, and so as to encourage those who strive day after day to sustain, accompany and welcome migrants and refugees,” the statement said. Read more here
If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!
The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.
The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!
Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!