Unprecedented Pedophile Scandal Creates Chaos for the U.S. Jesuits

Twenty U.S. states release names of priests with credible allegations of child sexual abuse dating back to 1950

Leo Zagami – The Roman Catholic Jesuit provinces of the United States are in turmoil after Jesuit authorities for twenty US states released the names of 89 priests with credible allegations of child sexual abuse dating as far back as 1950. The disclosures by the Jesuit provinces of Maryland and in the Midwest are the latest chapter in the ongoing sexual scandals that involve the US Catholic Church.

Maryland released 24 names with allegations dating back to 1950 and the Midwest provinces released 65 names dating back to 1955. Many of the priests are dead, and some were previously publicly known to be accused of sexual assault. The priests that are still alive are listed as living in supervised housing “on a safety plan.”  Some of the named Jesuit priests were removed from ministry in the 1990s, others were not removed until well after the infamous Boston sex abuse scandal exploded in 2002 indicating a massive cover-up by Catholic Church authorities.

Brian Paulson, head of the US Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus, said in an open letter. “On behalf of the Midwest Jesuits, I apologize to victims-­survivors and their families for the harm and suffering you have endured. Many of you have suffered in silence for decades.”

So how could the Jesuits cover-up pedophile crimes for decades? Well, Jesuits are not only the largest male religious order in the Catholic Church, with 16,000 members worldwide, but they also operate in close collaboration with the CIA and are acknowledged as the biggest intelligence agency worldwide serving the Vatican lead New World Order. The transnational networks of the Church have always been the envy of every intelligence service in the world, as the role of the Jesuits is always central to everything.

Because of the strong Catholic links to the CIA, the best known of the 17 agencies that comprise the American intelligence community even earned nicknames such as “Catholic Intelligence Agency”and “Catholics In Action”. Remember, some of the most influential directors in CIA history have been Catholic – men such as Walter Bedell Smith, John McCone, William Colby, and William Casey and they were not just casual Catholics but devout Mass-goers – in many cases, members of groups like the influential Knights of Malta who could easily cover-up the perversions of their Jesuit friends.

In 2016, the Catholic Herald published an article regarding this topic with the title Why Catholics Thrive in the CIA and the late E. Howard Hunt, a famous American intelligence officer who published 73 books, once confirmed publicly that “The Jesuits are the world’s greatest intelligence network. “

No official statistics exist on how many Catholics serve in the CIA or any other American intelligence agency, but one interesting clue is the relatively high number of Catholics who have served as directors for the agency that continue  to have a key role in support of the Western liberal elites who abandon traditional values of their countries in favor of a left-wing New World Order, controlled by the liberal pedophilia elites and, of course, the Jesuits, who operate 30 colleges and 81 schools in the US and Canada.

The many names made public in the reports include dozens of priests with multiple allegations of abuse who served in educational institutions all over the US in close contact with the American intelligence community. The Jesuit with the most recent allegations was Donald McGuire, who died in federal prison last year while serving a 25-year sentence. Many men have accused McGuire of molesting them when they were boys. The first allegations date back to the 1950s, when he worked at a Jesuit private high school in Chicago and went on working with no consequences until as late as 2005.

The Jesuits are justifying their crimes by simply saying with no moral shame:

“In retrospect, our evaluation of candidates, as well as the training, formation, and supervision of Jesuits, was not adequate, ” Adding “that the organization had learned from its mistakes, and had improved training for Jesuits and was holding them accountable if abuse allegations were made.“

Earlier this month, provinces overseeing Jesuits in more than 20 western, southern, and central US states released lists of 153 members accused of child sexual abuse. The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) criticized the Jesuit order for keeping accused priests’ names secret for decades and called for an independent investigation by law enforcement.

“Too often, lists are released that are incomplete or carefully curated by church officials, and so by inviting an independent investigation, Jesuit officials can demonstrate to parishioners and the public their commitment to transparency and healing.”

This article first appeared at LeoZagami.com.

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