False Prophet and Vatican News Summary May 13

The False Prophet says: The devil is a big loser but he still manages to Trick People

Yes…., I agree with the UN-holy see! And the biggest “Trick” of all is the Religion of Catholicism!

Catholic News Service – The devil is “a loser,” but he still tricks people into giving him power, Pope Francis said.

The devil “seduces us; he knows how to appeal to our vanity and curiosity and we buy it all,” the pope said May 8 during his homily at Mass in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae where he lives.

The day’s Gospel passage from St. John ends with Jesus telling His disciples “the ruler of this world has been condemned.”

The phrase refers to the devil, Pope Francis said. With the resurrection of Jesus, the devil has been defeated, but he still pretends to have power and still tries to influence people.

“He has this ability to seduce,” the pope said. “That makes it hard to understand that he is a loser because he presents himself with great power, promises you many things, brings you gifts — beautiful, all wrapped up,” he said. “He knows how to seduce us with the package without letting us see what’s inside. He knows how to present his proposals to appeal to our vanity, our curiosity.” Read more at Catholic Sun

Pope Francis and Communism: Vatican owned Newspaper likens Communist Founder Karl Marx to a “Church Father”

The true colors and agenda of this Bastard Pope are coming to light as we get closer to his joining with the anti-Christ!

Christian Journal – A Vatican Newspaper, “The Roman Observer,” on May 6th, 2018 published a piece praising Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism, and the co-author of the Communist Manifesto. The publication is the daily newspaper of the Vatican City State and is owned by ‘The Holy See.’

Last Sunday, an article titled “Marx in controluce (Closer to Marx),” was produced by the Holy See’s Newspaper, in which, Cardinal Reinhard Marx praises Karl Marx.

Officially, the founder of communism has been denounced by the Catholic Church since the 19th century. However, Cardinal Marx praised K. Marx and likened him to a ‘Church Father.’ Read more at the Christian Journal

Vatican invites Katy Perry to talk about Transcendental Meditation

So if you invite someone to present their Paganism and Witchcraft, that means you CONDONE and AGREE with it! Not surprising as the Rituals of Catholicism are based on that same Paganism and Witchcraft!

VATICAN (LifeSiteNews) — A Vatican conference has wrapped up featuring controversial pop-star Katy Perry speaking on transcendental meditation, disgraced Lettergate monsignor Dario Viganò delivering a talk on “Fake News,” and a “meditating eye” charm bangle given as a gift to select participants.

The high-level, no-expense-spared conference was held at the Vatican on April 26-28, and was co-sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Culture and the CURA Foundation, a tax-exempt global health movement. Conference collaborators also included the Vatican Secretariat of State, the Vatican Secretariat for Communications, and the Pontifical Academy for Life.

The gathering, called “Unite to Cure — How Science, Technology and the 21st Century Will Impact Culture and Society,” has been described by some as the “Davos of biotech,” due to its similarities with the high-level World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski resort.

The Fourth International Vatican Conference had several positive aims and featured talks from a wide-ranging panel of experts from the fields of medicine, business, media, and technology.

An odd mingling of wealthy investment bankers, celebrities, biotech leaders and Vatican officials, its stated goal was to “unite people without prejudice to stimulate an open dialogue and catalyze an interdisciplinary approach to tackle major health care challenges around the globe.”

Speakers included New Age guru and alternative medicine mogul Deepak Chopra, as well as world famous American professional golfer and philanthropist for children’s health, Jack Nicklaus; British singer songwriter and humanitarian, Peter Gabriel, whose wife recovered from cancer after receiving a pioneering treatment; and American motivational and self-help life coach, Tony Robbins. Former U.S. vice-president and Co-Chair of the Biden Cancer Initiative, Joe Biden, also delivered a message.

Emmy-award winning Dr. Mehmet Oz — who rose to fame on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” — was featured among the broadcast moderators at the event, along with CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CBS medical correspondent Max Gomez, and Emmy-award-winning journalist and talk show host, Meredith Vieira whose husband has battled Multiple Sclerosis. More here

Catholic Church Endorses a Vatican Themed, Sex-Infused Fashion Show as Cardinal Dolan says Event Reflects ‘Truth and Goodness’

What? Truth and Goodness? Well this is the Catholic church that Protects Drunks and Pedophiles! Remember when they endorsed a Satanic Fashion Show Inside a CATHOLIC Church at London Fashion Week?

Now the End Begins – Pop star Rihanna created the biggest stir, attending in a short skirt, robe and mitre-like hat reminiscent of the Pope’s headgear. Katy Perry – who met Pope Francis on April 28 – also drew a lot of attention by coming dressed as an angel, complete with huge feathered wings. “The news said she was wearing a tiara,” Cardinal Dolan said Tuesday in an interview on SiriusXM’s The Catholic Channel, noting that it was in fact a miter of the sort worn by bishops and cardinals on formal liturgical occasions. See more here.

Breitbart News – Cardinal Timothy Dolan has described the 2018 Catholic-themed Met Gala, with guests dressed up as cardinals, saints, the Virgin Mary, and even Jesus, as a “powerful evening” in which the guests “were rather respectful of the sacred.”

Speaking on SiriusXM radio Tuesday, Dolan, the Catholic archbishop of New York, said that while some aspects of Monday’s Met Gala, titled “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” resembled “a masquerade party or a Halloween party,” he never found it offensive.

“I didn’t really see anything sacrilegious,” the cardinal told his co-host, Father Dave Dwyer. “I may have seen some things in poor taste, but I didn’t detect anybody out to offend the Church.”

“They were sure good to me, they were sure kind to me, a number of people came up and spoke about their Catholic upbringing and things they remembered. It was a powerful evening,” he said. See more here.

Why a priest received 10 years’ probation for seducing a woman seeking spiritual counseling

San Diego Union Tribune – Achance encounter in Rome led a Minnesota woman to seek spiritual solace from a San Diegan studying for the Roman Catholic priesthood, Jacob Bertrand.

She received his prayers — and a sexual relationship that Bertrand later described as “the second holiest sacrifice next to Jesus and Mary on Calvary.”

In a Minnesota courtroom Monday, Bertrand was sentenced to 10 years probation and a $1,000 fine for criminal sexual conduct. He was also ordered to complete an assessment as a sex offender and then undergo any recommended therapy.

Under the terms of a plea agreement, Bertrand would face up to four years imprisonment if he violates the terms of his probation.

“The plea agreement in this case was entered into after considerable discussions with the victim and upon receiving her consent,” said the prosecutor, Dakota County Attorney James C. Backstrom. “We are pleased that Mr. Bertrand has been held accountable for his actions.”

Bertrand violated a Minnesota statute that forbids sex between members of certain professions and the people they counsel. “You can’t have sex with your clients,” said Patrick Wall, a former priest who now investigates clergy sexual abuse cases in several states, including Minnesota and California. “Doctors, psychologists, priests, those people working with very sensitive populations.”

In 2009, while a deacon studying in Rome, Bertrand met a woman who was studying spirituality — and, she told Bertrand, hoped to find a husband. They began to meet every Wednesday for what Bertrand called “holy conversation,” which sometimes dwelled on Bertrand’s sexual history.

In June 2010, Bertrand and the woman both flew to San Diego, where he was ordained. A month later, while visiting her in Minnesota, he initiated several sexual encounters with her, once during a private Mass celebrated in the basement of the woman’s parents’ home.

Returning to San Diego, Bertrand repeatedly contacted her and urged her to keep their relationship secret.

“The devil tempts me to think that you will tell someone,” he said during a December 2011 telephone call, “and ruin my ministry.” See more here

Merkel Receives Catholic Award for Helping Muslim Migrants, Criticizes Trump

She ‘opened the borders, showing courage and determination, without fear of going against public opinion,’ praised priest

InfoWars – The German chancellor has stated that Germany would remain in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, rejecting US President Donald Trump’s appeal to follow his example in leaving the deal and reinstating full-scale sanctions against Tehran.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has received the “Lamp of Peace” — a Catholic award for pursuing the peaceful coexistence between nations.

During the award ceremony at St. Francis’ Basilica in the Italian city of Assisi on Saturday, Angela Merkel has stated that the recent escalation of the Israeli-Iranian conflict was cause for deep concern, adding that President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from the Iranian nuclear deal makes the situation in the Middle East “even more tense” to solve.


Standing in the 13th century church, the German chancellor has mentioned Syria as “one of the biggest humanitarian tragedies” of the modern world, urging politicians around the globe to make every possible effort in order to end the crisis.

“This conflict has become a conflict of regional interests, a conflict of religions… and that’s why today’s award reminds me and many other European leaders that we should be more involved in solving this conflict,” she said.

Merkel has also warned about the rise of populism in Europe and particularly in Italy, claiming that “tolerance must be always present in the European Union.”
According to the press office director of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, Enzo Fortunato, Merkel was awarded for her efforts to accept refugees.

“In this painful and most crucial period of the biblical outcome of the Syrians from their land, the German Chancellor opened the borders, showing courage and determination, without fear of going against public opinion,” the priest noted, explaining the decision of the Franciscan Order.

The award was first made in 1981 to Polish trade union leader Lech Walesa. Among its past recipients are Pope John Paul II, the Dalai Lama, Saint Teresa of Calcutta and former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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Hey Folks I have NOT made a deal with the devil to leave me alone like most of the Limp Wristed Faux preachers have!!

If you can spare a few dollars, or a bunch of them, please take a few moments and donate here.  Please forgive this Plea, but these are desperate times!